معرفی کتاب به کودکی که هرگز زاده نشد اثر اوریانا فالاچی مترجم مانی ارژنگی

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Published by Rizzoli in 1975, Letter to a Child Never Born was quickly translated and sold in twenty-seven countries, becoming an extraordinary world success. It is the tragic monologue of a woman speaking with the child she carries in her womb. This letter confronts the burning theme of abortion, and the meaning of life, by asking difficult questions: Is it fair to impose Published by Rizzoli in 1975, Letter to a Child Never Born was quickly translated and sold in twenty-seven countries, becoming an extraordinary world success. It is the tragic monologue of a woman speaking with the child she carries in her womb. This letter confronts the burning theme of abortion, and the meaning of life, by asking difficult questions: Is it fair to impose life even if it means suffering? Would it be better not to be born at all?Letter to a Child Never Born touches on the real meaning of being a woman: the power to give life or not. When the book begins, the protagonist is upset after learning she is pregnant. She knows nothing about the child, except that this creature depends totally and uniquely on her own choices. The creation of another person directly within one’s own body is a very shocking thing. The sense of responsibility is huge; it is a heavy burden that gives life to endless reflections, from the origin of our existence to the shame of our selfishness. If the child could choose, would he prefer to be born, to grow up, and to suffer, or would he return to the joyful limbo from which he came? A woman’s freedom and individuality are also challenged by a newborn—should she renounce her freedom, her job, and her choice? What should she do at this point? ...more
بریدۀ کتابهای مرتبط به به کودکی که هرگز زاده نشد
نمایش همهلیستهای مرتبط به به کودکی که هرگز زاده نشد
در ۳الی ۴مرحله کتاب را خواندم و قبلِ به پایان رسیدن،تقرببا ۲بار قضاوتش کردم! ۴،۵روز پیش که تقریبا به یک سوم کتاب رسیده بودم، بستمش و از شروع کردنش پشیمان بودم و حال که در صفحه سفیدِ آخر کتاب می نویسم، حداقل پشیمان نیستم. این کتاب سردرگمم می کند،اوریانا را هم می فهمم و هم نمی فهمم. آغاز کتاب خوب بود و شوکه کننده!فراز و فرودها و موضوعات و جهان بینی که در این کتاب و در قالبِ صحبت یک طرفه مادر با فرزندش می خوانیم تعلیق دارد،حتی اگر مخالف محتوا باشیم،خط داستان را ادامه می دهیم تا ببینم خب؟! و چه حیف کهـ نام کتاب،اسپویل کرده بود نیمی از ماجرا را! پایانش...........قشنگترین قسمتِ کتاب پایانش بود. که بلاخره آن منطقی که ادعایش را داشت را دیدیم.(: کلام را طول نمیدهم، اگر خواستید بخوانید در شرایط روحی و روانی مناسب بخوانید.
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