یادداشت روژان صادقی

The Fellowship of the Ring
So...I expected more! Because of reading The Hobbit, I'd already familiarized myself with Tolkien's writing style and honestly I was fine with heavy descriptions he frequently used in this book. I didn't "really" mind the first half of the book even though not much happened. But when that same pattern of "just" heavy descriptions of the company's journeys from this forest to another one, without any notable plot continued through the rest of the book I was utterly disappointed and I was having a really hard time finishing it.
Even his attempt at making a plot-twist failed miserably as we couldn't see the effect of "the incident" on any of the characters. 
But I will admit that the last few chapters got more compelling and eventful given that we were introduced to new and intriguing charachters.
But overall if it weren't for the amazing narration of Rob Inglis I wouldn't have finished it anytime soon.




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