یادداشت Melorin

I don't usually write reviews, but thought I must definitely give this book one, I think it deserve it. So please bear with me my First review. "+Tell me a secret? a nice one?" "-im mental about you, too." This book is everything to me, like dont get me wrong I loved Harry Potter books, but this, this is on another level for me. I dont ever think I can get over this book and characters, like these boys have a place in my heart forever. youre my moony Wolfstar literally kills me, I fucking adore them, I love every time they fight over stupid stuff and then get back to eachother with a lovely kiss and pretend nothing had happened. I love the way sirius care about remus, the way moony likes to pretend everything is OK but he is himself when he's lonely with sirius in bed. "+oh shut up, you love me really" "-I do, I really bloody do" No doubt sirius is my favorite character, I love every aspect of him, meanwhile i wonder how brave he is after everything he'd gone through with his family, how vulnerable he is. But moony, moony is me really, I feel so like moony, how he loves reading, how lonely he feels some times even he'd got loads of friends, how he tries to keep his darkest, most hurted parts of himself a secret so no one would get hurt or think he's weak. I love our Moony
این ۴ تا چنان جاذبهای دارن که هیچکس نداشته تا به الان وای نمیدونی چقدر خوشحال شدم😭
دقیقا، به اسم فنفیکشن معمولا نمیرن سمتش ولی جزو اوناست که باید خوند و لذت برد ازش بعد دوباره خوند، دوباره و دوباره و دوباره و تا ابد @Nova