A Promise Is a Promise

A Promise Is a Promise

A Promise Is a Promise

3 نفر |
2 یادداشت

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Bruno the marmot hibernates all winter, and upon waking in the spring, he discovers the most beautiful dandelion outside his burrow. The two quickly become friends, playing together every day. But when summer comes, the dandelion asks Bruno to trust her, so he obliges her request to blow her seeds away into the wind. Devastated that his friend is no longer with him, Bruno is lonely until next winter?s hibernation. When he wakes again, he discovers that an amazing surprise sprouted while he slept. Here is an adorable book about the meaning of giving that will warm the hearts of young and old alike. ?This sweet, deceptively simple story effectively portrays the cycle of life to young children, . . . imparting a sense of hope and wonder.? ? Kirkus Reviews

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