یادداشت روژان صادقی

                I'm very uncomfortable with the subject of death. So uncomfortable that almost every phobia I have has something to do with death. So reading this -kind of- lighthearted book was an attempt in making myself comfortable with the subject and eventually be a little bit less panicked about it all the time!

Having to see how other cultures, like Indonesia and Mexico, dealt with death and how ignorant they were toward it, ignorant meaning they didn't let death interfer with their day to day life or keep them away from their passed loved ones by any means, not only made me see death in another way, in a way that is less scary, but also really challenged me to keep an open mind about death rituals which believe me got tricky at times!

This book also explains how, different kinds of death rituals can have an impact on the way we process and accept death and how the funeral industry in West is making death something big, something unnatural, something that should be cured and something that is scary. And provides some plausible solutions for this matter.

However, I was not a fan of her writing which felt boring and plain at some points and kept me from enjoying some of the cultures mentioned in the book which could've been really interesting otherwise!


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