What Katy Did

What Katy Did

What Katy Did

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Twelve-year-old Katy Carr has big plans for what she wants to do with her life. The oldest of six children, she's a natural leader with plenty of imagination who dreams of being an artist, saving lives, and leading crusades. She'd also like to help her father and aunt as they struggle to raise a rough-and-tumble crew of motherless children, but her stubbornness, quick temper, and mischievous nature trip her up time and again. When a serious accident requires a long convalescence, Katy has a chance to think things over. Fortunately, her cousin Helen — who's well acquainted with the frustrations of being trapped in a sickroom — is on hand to inspire Katy and set an example of patience and generosity. Fans of Little Women and Anne of Green Gables will treasure this nostalgic tale of a spunky pre-teen growing up in nineteenth-century America and her discovery of how a positive attitude can transform bitterness and misery into love and happiness.

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