یادداشت روژان صادقی

I'm finally done with my first book resolution of the year which was finishing a fantasy series! and what an ending it was!! 

Last year I did the same thing, I went through well known fantasy novels in hopes to find a new favourite, in which I failed miserably. So this year I tried reading Mistborn because apparently Sanderson is a master in writing fantasy; and now I can testify to that fact. 

Mistborn trilogy as a whole is an inanely detailed and well crafted series and as I've said before if you're someone who looks for smart plots with satisfying plot twists this is the series for you, but if you're looking for a character based series I'll suggest you look further. 

If I were to give this series a star rating it would be 4.25/5 beacuse book one and two are fine examples of exeptional story telling, but sadly, the last book doesn't fall under the same category for me. 

First off we have the unbearably slow pace of this book which is totally unjustified cause it's THE LAST BOOK, and this is coming from someone who actually liked the second book and its pacing. 

On the same note I have to say that one of the things I absolutely loved about this series (up until this book) was how inspite of having a lot of important characters, it managed to be balanced in a way that every character got the spotlight it deserved, but in this book not so much (i.e: Elend, TenSoon and even Vin) 

And lastly I come to the thing that frustrated me the most. The main reason to why I love this series so much is the strong mystery element in every book and the way Sanderson dealt with solving them. Our characters always were faced with these questions, got some clues throughout the book and went on solving them together but in this book it was like Brandon threw all of that out the window and changed the part of his writing style that was related to solving mysteries. Instead of the thrilling investigation of the clues we got the lousy introductory paragraphs before every chapter that included every answer to pretty much EVERY QUESTION IN THE BOOK!!!! Like honestly what the fuck? 

But I have to say, that honest, not easy and not lazy ending and pretty much the last 30 percent of this book was worth going through all that idiotic decisions that Sanderson made in this book. I had fun with Mistborn ALOT and so I can't wait to read his other books.




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