یادداشت روژان صادقی

This book was AWESOME!! I'm very well aware that I'm in minority here with loving this more that the first book but what the hell is wrong with you? What's not to love about this? It's interesting and breathtaking from the get go and that epilogue is the best ending imaginable. 

I seriously don't get why people say it's anticlimactic. Sure there is a lot of politics involved but that shit was interesting as fuck. Definitely more interesting than the first book when they were plotting a rebelion to overthrow the Final Empire. 

And then we have this strong mystery element throughout the whole book. The lost Atuim, the spy Kandra, The Well of Ascension, the secret to how the Koloss are controlled, The mist creatures and so on. I was on the edge of my sit 70% of the time, the other 15% being completely shocked by mind blowing, jaw dropping, well crafted plot twists, 10% LOVING OreSeur, Sazed and Breeze and the other 5% not shipping Elend and Vin and Sazed and Tindwyl. I mean they do make sense to be together and all and we know they love eachother but there's no on page chemistry between the 2 couples. 

Despite what everyone else is seem to be saying, the main reason to why I love these books is because of the smart plot and not because of the characters, as I really like them but I don't get really attached to them. This is one thing that Sanderson can improve in.
Other than that, this book and this series is SPECTACULAR!




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