Patience: A Little Book of Inner Strength

Patience: A Little Book of Inner Strength

Patience: A Little Book of Inner Strength

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''Patience is the ornament of the brave,'' Easwaran's wise grandmother used to say. In relationships, patience is the mark of love. An experienced spiritual teacher who combines humor with practicality, Easwaran gives powerful insights and sometimes surprising advice for developing patience at home and at work. Stories offer quiet interludes throughout this little book. Anecdotes about animals, sports stars, and happy family outings make these short, varied readings as entertaining as they are instructive. Gentle reminiscences of India, tales from Easwaran's Hindu heritage, and inspiration from Gandhi and the world's saints lift our spirits and give us courage. Just keep trying, Easwaran says, and you'll find there's no end to your patience - no end to the wisdom, love, and compassion in your heart.