معرفی کتاب The Fragrance of the Purple Grass اثر undefined

The Fragrance of the Purple Grass
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The story begins when Adam, the protagonist, returns home after a workday and goes to sleep. But when he wakes up, he notices changes in his surroundings. In disbelief, Adam realizes that the city's inhabitants have left it, and other creatures have come there as inhabitants. At first, he decides to leave the city and move to another place, but his curiosity prompts him to discover the secret of the disappearance of the city's residents. Then, he is arrested by the occupying security forces and put under surveillance. After some time, he is offered cooperation by the city legislator. After struggling with himself for a while, the protagonist finally agrees to join the occupying forces. That is just the beginning of the story. By entering the group of occupiers, he gets to know the ideologies and way of thinking of the legislator of the city. He finds out the incidents that happened there in the past years and were of little importance to him originated from where. Adam, interested in reforming his surroundings, gradually changes his moral behavior and makes him go with the stream. But after a while, he understands new facts that make him change his current life routine and make up for the past. The book's story is the narration of the lives of many people in the corner of the world whom catch in the trap of human pride and greed. At the beginning of the story, it can be said that the adventure format of the story may plainly attract and accompany the reader. But after leaving the first chapters of the book, the reader will gradually realize that what awaits him in the successive chapters is not the story of the forces and the hero's fight and escape. What lies behind the protagonist's conversations with other characters in the story are significant points of philosophical, psychological, and sociological content that are used in many societies by their legislators: A sheep has time for the horses in the competition, But doesn’t have time for himself to review his lifestyle The author's mission is perhaps to put under the magnifying the pains that are more tangible in the third world. Although at the end of the story, the reader's imagination may blow away. Indeed, if the reader gets such a feeling, it can be said that the author's claim in the first pages of the book is not without reason: Let me confess something that overweights my shoulders; Believe it or not, I'm your enemy I've come to eradicate your existence!