The Colour Out of Space and others

The Colour Out of Space and others

The Colour Out of Space and others

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The whole farm was bathed in this mixed color, unknown and hideous: trees, buildings, and mixed greenery and grass which had not completely turned to the fatal disintegration in the gray. The branches all stretched towards the sky, capped with tongues of filthy fire, and shimmering streams of this same monstrous fire slipped around the ridge beams of the house, the barn, the lean-tos. It was a scene inspired by a vision of Füssli, and over everything else reigned this debauchery of luminous inconsistency, this rainbow out of the world and out of measure of secret poison, which arose from the well - bubbling, palpating, enveloping, extending, scintillating, embracing and malignancy of bubbles in its cosmic and unidentifiable chromaticism.

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