Sustaining Change in Universities

Sustaining Change in Universities

Sustaining Change in Universities

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A lifeline for universities meeting the challenges of the 21st century Prominent thinker Burton R. Clark addresses what can be done to ensure universities are well positioned to meet the challenges of the fastmoving world of the 21st century. This signifi- cant new volume draws on case studies of 14 proactive institutions in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, Latin America, and Africa in the 21st century. The international coverage underpins a fully developed framework offering insight into ways of initiating and sustaining change in universities. This new conceptual framework shifts attention from transformation to sustainability rooted in a constructed steady state of change and a collegial approach to entrepreneurialism. It contains key elements necessary for universities to adapt successfully to the modern world. Essential reading for university administrators, faculty members, students, and researchers analyzing higher education, and educational policy makers worldwide, this book advocates a highly proactive approach to university change and specifies a new basis for university selfreliance.